OBITUARY Guitarist RALPH SANTOLLA Checks In, Reveals Upcoming Album Guest Appearances

February 17, 2008, 16 years ago

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OBITUARY guitarist Ralph Santolla has issued the following update:

"I recently played a few guest spots for some friends and I thought I'd let y'all know what they are, and when/where you can get them.

First off, I played a solo on my friend Todd Grubbs' new instrumental CD, Time, Space And The Electric. Todd is a guitarist based here in Tampa. He writes creative, quirky music, and I was happy to be a part of his record. He's also one of the coolest guys in music. I played a Strat with single coil pickups and a scalloped fretboard straight into a Peavey 5150II head. I have to say that the solo I played on his record is among my favorte things I've ever done. That album is available now through CDBaby, Guitar Nine, etc. It's also available through or myspace/toddgrubbs. 20th Century Guitar called it 'a rare work of sonic art.' Way to go, Todd!

Next up is HOLY MOSES. We just did five weeks in Europe with Holy Moses and AVATAR. Holy Moses asked me if I would add a bit of guitar to their new album, and again, I was happy to help out. We recorded my parts in a freezing cold dressing room in Switzerland, but it came out really good. I played several leads sort of in the guitar style I play in DEICIDE, although a bit more melodic. That record will be out later this year, and also features the recording debut of Frank Watkins on lead guitar!!! WOO!!

Lastly, but cetainly not leastly, I was honored to be asked to contribute a few leads to the new JON OLIVA'S PAIN CD, Global Warning. Jon is a legend around here, a longtime hero of mine, and a major influence on me musically. I've wanted to do something with him since I was about 17 years old, and I finally got my chance. I did 3-4 solos on, I think, 2 songs, and the guys seemed to be happy with my work. That also comes out soon, and I'm hoping to get onstage a few times with JOP this year in Europe and the U.S. Thanks to Jon, Matt, and Chris for having me on your record!

Obituary has a little down time before South America and the summer festivals, so I'm finally working on my new guitar album, and my band STARE with Johnny Laennarts. More on that soon..."

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