OZZY OSBOURNE / FIREWIND Guitarist Gus G. - "I've Already Started Writing Stuff For Ozzy, And We've Already Discussed The Possibility Of Doing Another Album"

November 28, 2010, 13 years ago

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OZZY OSBOURNE / FIREWIND guitarist Gus G. is featured in a new interview with Robert Gray at Ultimate-Guitar.com. An excerpt is available below.

Q: You've gone on record as saying your guitar playing on Days Of Defiance is better than your guitar playing on past Firewind albums. In what ways do you feel your guitar playing is better on this full-length?

Gus: "I just felt that I wasn't so stressed, because we recorded everything in our own studio really and we kind of did it ourselves. I didn't have that clock ticking, that 'Oh, I only have a few more days to finish all guitars.' I just recorded whenever I felt I was ready. It's actually a relief to know you're not paying tons of money every day to record in a studio. You're playing whenever you feel like playing actually, and I feel more creative that way. I think there's a little bit of that little extra thing on our playing on Days Of Defiance compared to the previous ones. Not to put any of our previous albums down though, because they're really good and I'm still proud of them. I don't think I'm just speaking for myself actually, and I should speak up for the rest of Firewind's members as well because I think everybody captured their best performances yet on this album."

Q: How did playing with Ozzy at BlizzCon in the summer of 2009 lead to you playing on 'Scream'?

Gus: "It was a day-to-day situation, really. After that, I went home and then as soon as I got home, Ozzy's management said "Ozzy has another event, the Sunset Strip Music Festival. Can you come back and do that one?". I replied "Sure, of course", and I went back and did that one. While I was in L.A., I went down to Ozzy's house and he played me his new record - 'Scream'. He said "I'd love to have you record some solos", so I listened to the material, played some solos, and then went back home. Nearly a month or two passed by and Ozzy's management contacted me again, saying "We like what you did, and we'd like you to actually record everything from scratch and do all the guitars. Not only the solos, but all the rhythm tracks and everything". It was a day-to-day thing; they never really forced me to do anything. They just played it by ear."

Q: When the time comes for Ozzy to record another album, can you see songwriting opportunities arising?

Gus: "Oh yeah, man. I've already started writing stuff for him, and we've already discussed the possibility of doing another one. We've been jamming on some riffs, and he's really excited about them. Hopefully, we're gonna get to do that after this world tour ends. Hopefully we'll take a break, and then we'll go back in and do another record. Ozzy's been talking about going in and doing the next record like they were done in the old days, like the first two albums (September 1980's Blizzard Of Ozz and November 1981's Diary Of A Madman) were done; getting the actual band together to jam, and doing it together. I think if we had the chance to do that, we can create a really killer record."

Go to this location for the complete in-depth interview.

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