January 22, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news us pain of salvation

Daniel Gildenlöw, multi-instrumentalist and vocalist for Sweden's PAIN OF SALVATION, has issued the following update::

"We congratulate the people of US on the Inauguration of their new President. We have waited for this day a long time, as have most of the world. Obama continually strikes us as the bravest and most promising US president that modern times have seen, and we nod our heads in agreement and respect for some of the things he expressed in his speech. Thus, with Barack Obama, in that very speech, offering an open hand to those willing to unclench their fists, Pain of Salvation will be first in line to offer our unclenching.

To be honest, I (Daniel Gildenlöw) see nothing but relentless hard work and perils for him walking down this road. But I see no one more brave or better fit to try. I put my fate in the warm and intelligent eyes of this man, and hope to see his spirit unbroken by the heavy machinery that is modern US politics. If he can’t, then I don’t see who would. I count on you Obama, to do right by the world.

We are still in awe of the Democrats’ boldness of having one woman and one black man as their candidates, and of the people of America for electing Obama; A president who advocates global relations and communications before war, solar and wind power before oil, public rights before corporative rights, freedom before security - and who promises to shut down the Guantanamo base within a year. A man who has the guts to demand political transparency of the US government.

Therefore, let it be known that on the 20th of January 2009, after almost five years, Pain of Salvation are officially lifting their political embargo on US. Our position on border control finger print scanning remains unchanged, and we will keep fighting against it and do what we can to oppose and fight it; but today we see an American nation of hope and want of change, and good should be met with good. Hence, we reach out to accept your hand. Not unconditionally, because real love is demanding: something to work on every day. But with our deepest and most sincere hope for a new start."

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