PANTERA - Behind The Music Remastered Preview Available

April 4, 2013, 11 years ago

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PANTERA: Behind The Music Remastered is airing April 6th at 9PM EST/ 8PM CST on VH1 Classic. Check out a sneak peak below (restricted to some territories):

In March, former Pantera bassist Rex Brown published his autobiography, Official Truth: 101 Proof. Recently, Rex gave correspondent Greg Prato the lowdown on his book, an excerpt follows:

BraveWords: While writing the book, did memories come back that you had forgotten about?

Rex Brown: "Oh yeah, and there are so many more that I wanted to put in, and I just couldn't get them in. I had to go through it twice, with like a toothbrush - dotting the i's and crossing the t's. I probably have another couple of books in me, because of all the crazy shit that went down. Like I said, it's just so hard to get 20 years of your life into 300 pages. But we did the best we could, and I think it's a good read. I'm happy with it, and it gives a little insight into things that people might not have known about me. And it was very cathartic."

BraveWords: Something I liked about the book is that it demystified the members of Pantera, since a lot of people look at them as larger-than-life figures.

Rex Brown: "That was the intention, and that is why I called it Official Truth: 101 Proof, because I wanted to get it as true to as what I recall and my own story. And like I said, it's hard to do in so many small words. But hopefully kids will get out there and buy it and hear my side of the story."

To read the interview in its entirety, visit this location.

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