PAUL RAVEN Funeral Services Taking Place This Afternoon

October 31, 2007, 16 years ago

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MINISTRY bassist Paul Raven passed away on October 20th due to an apparent heart attack.

The following funeral announcement has been issued from the Raven Family, via Dan Raven, Paul's brother:

"On October 31st, 2007 at 3 PM in the South Eastern French city of Annecy, which lies approximately 30 kms from Geneva Airport, there will be a service in the memory of the now truly larger than life, Mister Paul Vincent Raven. The fact that this service falls on the same day as Halloween, while appropriate, is simply a coincidence. No costume will be required.

The family understands that the location of this first service (there will be others) will, for many of you, be prohibitive but would like to assure those loved ones and friends that are able to attend that they are very welcome.

We intend to organise a wake at L'Usine (the factory) in Geneva on the evening of the 31st. This is the club where Paul enjoyed his last night on earth."

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