February 8, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news pica fierce

BW&BK; has received the following:

"We’re sorry to inform you that from now on, PICA FIERCE no longer exists. We wish to thank all fans who have followed us through the years and constantly been giving us those memorable moments. Also a huge thanx goes to all bands and people we’ve been playing and partying with and all people who have been helping us in different ways. -Ingen nevnt, ingen glemt-

It’s really nothing dramatic about the split, it may not even be the right word to use, maybe 'long break' could be more describing. The point is that what term we use doesnt really matter, but people should not be waiting for more Pica in any way soon. We’re still best friends who talks to each other each day, and the ONLY rason for this decision is lack of creative stimulation through Pica. By that we mean, avoiding Pica Fierce to end up sounding like four bands, the four of us needs a creatively and musically blow-out.

We are already, and will be involved in new projects together. The Pica-spirit carries on though making the best songs possible, so watch out.

So what would have been the status on Pica in February 09? Well, we had already written half of the next record…"

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