PITCHBLACK Completing Songs For New CD

June 11, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news cd pitchblack

Danish thrashers PITCHBLACK have issued the following update from vocalist DanIhjel:

"What the FUCK is happening in the life of PitchBlack? Well, let me tell you!

Right now we are finishing the songs for the yet untitled upcoming album. Actually we had 12 songs ready, but we agreed to throw two of the songs out and make one or two new numbers. One is already done.

So right now we rehearse our ugly asses off to get a quality product, that we know we love 666%!

When all songs are done and the details are made, we will start to record the album at Earplug Studio, owned by PitchBlack guitarist Pede. Right now we're looking for the right studios to mix and master the album.

Hopefully the product will be finished before we leave 2009.

Meanwhile we'll look for some gigs, drink some booze, smoke some funny stuff and most importantly - REHEARSE!"

More on PitchBlack at the band's MySpace page.

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