PORCUPINE TREE's STEVEN WILSON - "I Haven't Found Anything Really Fresh From Metal For A While"

September 27, 2011, 13 years ago

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Radio Metal has issued a new interview with PORCUPINE TREE's Steven Wilson. An excerpt follows:

Q: A few months ago, you said in an interview that you were bored with metal. You also said that “a lot of metal is not really very heavy” and that other artists manage to create heaviness on a record without detuned guitars. Do you think that the aggressiveness and the heaviness in metal is superficial?

A: "I think the problem with metal is that it’s become such a generic musical vocabulary now. There are so many records, thousands of records every year, using the same guitar sound, the same drum sound, the same vocal approach. I think a lot of the power of metal, or of any kind of music actually, comes from when it breaks through into something different, when it develops a sense of edge. I think it’s been a while now since we heard metal really kind of reinvent itself, and I think it needs to. One of the things about metal is that it’s very good at reinventing itself; it’s

managed to do it several times over the last forty years or so, since BLACK SABBATH or whoever. But right now, I have to say I haven’t found anything really fresh from metal for a while."

Read more at this location.

Wilson's new album, Grace For Drowning, was released September 26 via Kscope. Grace For Drowning is the second solo album released by Wilson.

The album is released on CD, vinyl and download along with a Blu-ray edition of the album. The Blu-ray disc contains the album in 5.1 surround sound with accompanying video content. In addition to the video content, created by long-term collaborator Lasse Hoile, the Blu-ray disc also features bonus audio tracks, photo galleries, hand written notes and lyrics.

The track ‘Raider’ can be heard below:

Steven Wilson - Raider (edit) (full track from Grace for Drowning) by Kscope

A double album ('two 40-45 minute albums in the same package') Wilson has described it as "my biggest project to date." The vinyl tracklisting is as follows:

Volume 1 - Deform To Form A Star:

Side 1

‘Grace For Drowning’


‘Deform To Form A Star’

Side 2

‘No Part Of Me’


‘Raider Prelude’

‘Remainder The Black Dog’

Volume 2 - Like Dust I Have Cleared From My Eye:

Side 3

‘Raider II’

Side 4

‘Belle De Jour’


‘Track One’

‘Like Dust I Have Cleared From My Eye’

A trailer for the Blu-ray has just been added to the album’s mini-site and can be seen below.

The trailer features clips of the videos for the tracks ‘Like Dust I Have Cleared From My Eye’ and ‘Belle Du Jour’ which have not previously been seen and will only be available on the Blu-ray. Three other videos (for the tracks ‘Remainder The Black Dog’, ‘Index’ and ‘Track One’) are already available on the mini-site.

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