POSSESSED Forced To Cancel Colombia Date

November 10, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news possessed

Legendary US black thrashers POSSESSED have been forced to cancel their upcoming show in Bogota, Colombia on November 12th.

A band statement reads as follows:

"On an extremely personal level; We (Possessed) have been very much looking forward to playing for you all out in Colombia. We were told by the promoters over and over that they would fly us out there. To this day no tickets have been purchased by Ivan (Invoking Productions). This was supposed to be all settled by Nov 1st. So while Invoking Productions has no intentions of actually bringing Possessed out there on November 12th, they are still promoting this show as a "Possessed" show and trying to fool you into buying these tickets.

To our fans; we apologize. We (Possessed) did everything in our power to come out and play this show for you all. In preparation for this show, we are all actually in Los Angeles this minute practicing for this show and have even made special t-shirts for this Colombian November 12th show. We are really disappointed that this is not going to happen the way it was supposed to, since the whole band was really excited to go to Colombia to give you a killer show."

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