QUEENSRŸCHE Singer Geoff Tate Relaunches Website

September 15, 2008, 16 years ago

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QUEENSRŸCHE singer Geoff Tate's webmaster has issued the following update:

"Geoff Tate is pleased to announce the re-launch of his new website . The website offers many of the same great features as the previous site; however, we have given it a more user-friendly layout as well as an updated look. With all the new projects Geoff's involved in: His acting role in House Of Eternity, his new wine Insania and his solo tour, it's only fitting to launch a new site in conjunction.

Built completely from the ground up, we believe you'll find the new site more useful and fitting than before. And over the next few weeks you'll see some new added features we've yet to announce. There are some other surprises in the works too, so much to look forward to.

Additionally, we are offering new RSS feeds to keep you up to date with all the latest news and tour dates:



So we invite you to stop by and have a look-see. We're open to any comments and suggestions you may have!"

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