QUEENSRŸCHE Vocalist Todd La Torre - "We're Writing New Songs For The Next Album Now"

November 18, 2013, 10 years ago

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QUEENSRŸCHE vocalist Todd La Torre is featured in a new interview discussing the band's plans for their next album and his favourite Queensrÿche songs to sing. An excerpt is available below:

La Torre: “We’re writing new songs for the next album now. We’ve got a handful of songs in various stages and it's going to have a multitude of elements that are Queensrÿche. You’re going to have longer songs, heavier songs, softer songs, maybe something acoustic. We’re not boxed into any niche which is the beauty of what Queensrÿche has always been. I think that when people hear the word ‘progressive’, in musical terms they think of DREAM THEATER. The word ‘progressive’ to me, as it was in CRIMSON GLORY and as it is in Queensrÿche, it’s the songwriting approach that’s progressive. It’s not so much about the virtuosity or technicality of the player, it’s about great songwriting and melodies. Twenty years from now, hopefully this record we just did will have stood the test of time.”

“We’re already getting phone calls from Jim Barton (producer) asking us to send him new songs. We’re not calling him, he’s calling us because he wants to get the next one going. The first record was pivotal, and the second one is even more the case because people are saying ‘Okay, the first one was good, but can they do it again?’ Yes we can and we will.”

Go to this location for the complete story.

Queensrÿche recently posted a small message and poster about their upcoming mini-movie Queensrÿche: Ad Lucem. The message simply reads “We’re almost there with the video."

Check out a behind the scenes documentary below:

The mini-movie features the tracks ‘Spore’, ‘Midnight Lullaby’, and ‘A World Without’. The movie was filmed by director, Daniel Andres Gomez Bagby with producer, Marco De Molina on location at Central City Stages last month.

Todd La Torre has issued the following statement: "We decided to take a different approach with this video, which is comprised of three pieces of music from our latest self-titled release, Queensrÿche. It’s a conceptual mini-movie music video that invites the audience to scratch beneath the surface a bit, rather than the usual "chewed food" that so many are used to being fed. We really wanted to deviate from a performance type of video so the music and story-line could be the main focus."

La Torre also adds, "The overall theme of the song 'Spore' is one that deals with personal demons, relationship struggles, career pressures, personal/professional morals and ethical dilemmas. These are issues we all face on some level and the video touches upon them all. 'Midnight Lullaby'/'A World Without' deals with the loss of a mother during childbirth, leaving a father as a single parent and struggling to move forward through the turmoil. The end result is a roller coaster of emotion in an effort to find a healthy resolve. Given our history, we feel that this multifaceted conceptual video, along with a great cast of actors to suit, will really resonate with our fans."

Queensrÿche is:

Todd La Torre (vocals)

Michael Wilton (guitars)

Parker Lundgren (guitars)

Eddie Jackson (bass)

Scott Rockenfield (drums)

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