RAMMSTEIN - Management Strikes Back Against Price Gouging By Retailers For Limited Edition Of New DVD

December 14, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news rammstein dvd

As previously reported, RAMMSTEIN have released a new live DVD, entitled Völkerball, that comes in three formats:

-- Standard Edition: 2 Disc Set (1 DVD, 140 minutes live video + 1 CD, 75 minutes live audio).
-- Special Edition: 3 Disc Set (1 DVD, 140 minutes live video + 1 DVD, 90 minute Documentary, includes Anaconda In The Net + Reise, Reise: The Making Of The Album + 1 CD, 75 minutes live audio).
-- Limited Edition: 190 Page tour photobook, inluding all 3 Disc contents of the Special Edition + the entire live audio recordings of the concerts (140 minutes) on an additional 4th disc.

According to Pilgrim Management the Limited Edition version has been priced far too high by retailers. They have issued the following statement, making clear their intentions to rectify the problem and prevent further price gouging:

"We had imagined everything being totally different and will now react. In the end it cannot be the case that the Rammstein fan can only get hold of this beautiful book when he’s ready to pay up to 250 Euros. Many fans have been writing to us, explaining how they initially received order confirmations from their retailers but in the end hardly any book was received. We are aware of rough arguments happening when the book arrived in the Berlin stores. We will now take care and make sure that within very short time the remaining copies of the book are re-directed and are made available through the Rammstein Shop. Especially the signed Rammstein Community members should not have to go without a copy. Obviously though this being a Limited Edition we cannot expect to make all fans happy. At the moment we are only making the retailers happy who were able to take advantage of the situation and understand how to rise the prices cleverly. The hands of record company Universal seem to be tied facing this situation. Maybe we should try to find out whether or not it would make sense to open the limitation – with a new edition, maybe without CDs and DVDs, just as a photo-book – since many fans already hold their Special Edition. In this matter we will be hearing the Rammstein fans world-wide during the next days."

Watch this space for further updates.

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