RAT ROD Parts Ways With Frontman MIKE SMITH

January 23, 2024, 9 months ago

news hard rock rat rod

RAT ROD Parts Ways With Frontman MIKE SMITH

After five years, Philadelphia based hard rock outfit Rat Rod and frontman Mike Smith have gone their separate ways.

Smith departed the band to take care of his ailing mother and for health reasons, the singer announced on his Facebook page. In that post, Smith said, "The start of this New Year brings the announcement that, after a lot of thought, I have decided to leave my band, Rat Rod. I had to do this for my own reasons, as well as to have more time to take care of my sick mom. I'm not going into detail, but I want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH, FROM MY HEART, for all the support and love over the past 5 years. I wish the guys good luck."

Speaking for the band, lead guitarist Mark McCarty says, "We respect Mike's decision to leave the band and truly wish the best for him and his family. As for Rat Rod, we intend to continue on in whatever band configuration makes most sense, but preferably with a replacement vocalist."

Rat Rod's newest release, Four On The Floor, has received high praise from both fans and critics alike across the globe.

The band is currently speaking to prospective vocalists and interested parties are encouraged to send a demo, photo and short biography via eMail to ratrodrocks@ratrodrocks.com with the subject line: "SINGER."

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