RED HARVEST - Breaking The Silence

October 2, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news red harvest

Norway's RED HARVEST have issued the following update:

"Time to break the silence and let you know what has been going on and also tell you a bit about what we are up to.

Good news first: We needed a break this spring, but we are back with charged batteries now. We are working hard on our new album (been doing it for some time already), and we have a great flow. The atmosphere within the band is very good and we have already loads of fucked up stuff rehearsed and recorded. Hopefully we are able to keep this speed and get our new album out during spring next year, maybe earlier. We have great plans for it!

About This site was run by our good friend and supporter Colin. Unfortunately he realized he did not have the time to maintain it and update it anymore, and decided to shut it down. Sad but true. Thanx for all help and support Colin! From now on is the place to check for news/updates and stuff.

Merch: It is true, we have a deal about merchandise with Razamataz. But since we have not played many gigs/tours/festivals the last months, they haven..t made any hoods/T-shirts and stuff. This leads to my next point...

Gigs/tours/festivals: Frankly spoken we have not gotten many any serious offers lately. If the offers are so cheap we can not afford to bring our sound guy, our light guy and our visualizer, we are not playing. Simple as that. We are not greedy! We do not mind that we (the five guys in the band) are not earning any money. But we reserve the right to be able to pay our crew and give our fans what they have paid to see and hear. I know that this sounds harsh, but this is the way it has to be.

Thanx to all of you supporting us and writing us during these "off-months".

Will keep you posted with news, pictures, clips and stuff more often from now on."

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