RHINO BUCKET Explain Album Delay

January 8, 2009, 15 years ago

rhino bucket news rock hard

California rockers RHINO BUCKET have issued the following update:

"Endangered species? Not quite - Rhino Bucket started recording a new album last April for what was to be a fall release. Well, fall fell and Christmas came and went and no Bucket under the tree this year. It's not cuz you've been naughty. We love naughty! So what's the deal? Where's the record?

To make a long story short, after laying down 95 percent of the tracks the "producer" went rogue, off the grid and disappeared with the hard drive, leaving both Acetate and the Bucket with a depleted recording budget and no record. Does the story end here... nope, no fuckin' way.

Our label was relentless in their efforts to recover the recordings - that's the good news. Bad news is they ain't quite done yet, we still need some additional recording and mixing. See where we're heading?? Yup, you guessed it. We're broke and we're turning to you, The Bucketheads, The Bucket Brigade, Rhino Nation, to help us raise some dough and finish this bitch (the record, not the producer).

We're asking that the most dedicated Bucket fans purchase the new album in advance, which is what we like to do anyway, but this is a little earlier than usual. This will give us the funds to book the studio time needed to complete the project and believe us, you want us to finish this record! What's in it for you? Well, besides hookin' the boys up and being the first ones to get the spankin' new disc, we have written a song about our latest "experience" and only those of you who pre-purchase will receive a special edition of the tentatively titled Hardest Town containing this exclusive track.

As is stands now, we're looking at a May 5th release, but that depends on you! Either way we'll ship out these special pre-sale CDs well in advance.

So, dig deep boys and girls and lets keep the new rock rolling!

To pre-order and listen to a new track from the upcoming CD, please click here.

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