SALEMS LOTT Unleash Violent Hollywood Glam Metal; Debut EP Coming Soon

June 9, 2014, 10 years ago

hot flashes news salems lott ep

LA-based glam/speed metal newcomers Salems Lott are gearing up for the release of their as-yet-untitled debut EP. Based in Hollywood and looking like they've raided X Japan early year wardrobe, they are known for their violent stage performances and aggressive music.

The band utilizes psycho theater and hi-tech musicianship that involves regurgitating blood, a chainsaw sacrifice, upside down guitar solos, backwards drumming and an audience covered in intestines. Quickly becoming a topic of discussion through their menacing charisma, the band remains as one of the few acts to be banned from the infamous Viper Room.

For information and updates on the band check out their official Facebook page here or go to their official website.

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