May 7, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news blind guardian scelerata

As previously reported, Brazilian metallers SCELERATA are working on their third album, which is being partially recorded in Germany at Twilight Hall Studios, studio owned by Blind Guardian, and being produced by Charlie Bauerfeind (HELLOWEEN, RAGE, SAXON, HALFORD, HAMMERFALL, MOTÖRHEAD). On April 24th the drummer Francis Cassol and the guitarist Renato Osorio flew to Germany. Check out below a few comments about the recording process below:

"We are in Twilight Hall Studios, Germany, for the past days, working at Charlie Bauerfeind’s pace. His way of work is to exhaust the drummer, playing around four hours a day, extracting the maximum of strength and accuracy until we achieve the desired result, unlike of I always recorded so far, recording three or four songs per day in long recording sessions. No wonder that the drum sound of his works always sounds amazing, and we can really feel the drummer giving everything he has to the song.

Speaking of drum sound, I never had one like this. It's being a good surprise for all of us, even for Charlie! We are using Dani Löeble (Helloween drummer) drum kit, a new Yahama Birch Custom Absolute, which had never been in a recording room. The mics are Earthworks, a North American brand used by musicians like Neil Peart, for example. Most of cymbals are Paiste, belonging to the studio, except for three or four, which also belong to Dani.

The Twilight Hall Studios obviously revolves around Blind Guardian. There are banners, photo panels, posters, t-shirts, mugs, etc. Everything from Blind Guardian. Here runs not only the studio, but also the band's accounting office, merchandising and equipment warehouse. It is really big, very organized and professional, really consistent with how big Blind Guardian is.

We are really happy with the results we got so far! Charlie is an outstanding guy, always friendly and good-humored, but also completely committed with his work, which makes us understand why he is requested by the major European metal bands!

Soon we will send more news and photos!"

Recently Scelerata posted online a demo version of 'Rising Sun', track which will be featured on the new album. Check it out at their official MySpace Page.

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