SEPULTURA Guitarist ANDREAS KISSER - Brazilian Workshop Scheduled For Sunday

May 21, 2009, 15 years ago

sepultura news riff notes andreas kisser

The Made In Brazil megastore in Porto Alegre, Brazil will hold a guitar workshop with SEPULTURA guitarist ANDREAS KISSER, this Sunday, May 24th. The event is scheduled to begin at 2 PM.

Kisser released his new album, Hubris I & II, on May 29th via Mascot Records.

The album features the following tracklisting:

I - 'Protest!', 'Euphoria'/Desperation', 'Eu Humani', 'The Forum', 'Virgulândia', 'God's Laugh', 'R.H.E.T.', Em Busca Do Ouro', 'Lava Sky', 'A Million Judas Iscariotes'.

II - 'Sad Soil', 'Worlds Apart', 'Breast Feeding', 'Page', 'Domenicana', 'Vivaldi', '0120', 'Armonia', 'Hubris', 'Mythos', O Mais Querido'.

Audio samples are available at his MySpace page.

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