Singer JAMES CHRISTIAN - "The Years I Spent With HOUSE OF LORDS Were The Best Years For Me As A Singer Because I Really Got To Play With The Bands I Loved"

October 18, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard james christian house of lords

Tommy Hash from recently chatted with JAMES CHRISTIAN (HOUSE OF LORDS) about what he is currently up to and what he has planned for the future. Here is an excerpt from the chat:

From his days hunting for a record deal from New York to LA, to being signed with GENE SIMMONS’ Simmons record label, he has paid his dues - having seen good days on tour to sadly having to witness the downfall of mainstream melodic rock first hand when 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' and 'Jeremy' hit the charts, “In my career the early days, the things that honed me and got me ready for the things that I was about to do when I would go to California was all the years I spent playing nightclubs in Connecticut. It was literally seven days a week,” elaborates Christian about his career, “I was playing four sets a night and doing this for many, many years so I had all my chops together before I took my step into trying to get a record deal in Los Angeles, although I tried in New York; my band at that time (EYES) were not having any success at getting signed, I didn’t know what the reasons were, I really don’t think about it these days, but there was something not happening where record companies just weren’t interested – so that’s why I packed up and went to California for a fresh new start and within one year after playing for a band called LA ROCKS, which got me some exposure, I then auditioned for this new supergroup that Gene Simmons was putting together and at that point I was down to ‘pennies’ so I really thought that this is my last shot here before I go broke. I did the audition and it turned out great, I got the gig, and things turned around for me. The years I spent with House of Lords were the best years for me as a singer because I really got to play with the bands I loved; we got to open up for bands like THE SCORPIONS, OZZY, and CHEAP TRICK, those bands would stand in on the side and watch us play when we warmed up for them. Out of the three albums that we did (in our first era), Demons Down when it hit, radio stations were throwing out just about anything 80’s or even early 90’s related, anything melodic rock related; it was the alternative wave coming in and it crashed and hit so hard that nothing could stand in it’s way and sadly we didn’t stand a chance.”

To read the entire interview head to this location.

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