SLASH To Mentor Contestants On American Idol?

April 28, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard slash

Seattle Times reports:

"Apparently rock guitarist SLASH of GUNS N' ROSES fame has been approached about being an American Idol mentor for a rock theme week. Reports have surfaced that Slash let the news slip via Twitter. The speculation is that this would happen next week, thought there's been no official confirmation."

Stay tuned for further updates.

Slash previously revealed via Twitter that OZZY OSBOURNE will be guesting on his new solo album, which he is currently recording his new solo album in Los Angeles with Josh Freese (drums) and Chris Chaney (bass).

An update from Slash reads: "Hey, I hope everybody is doing well, these are some pretty harsh times we're experiencing at present. But, I feel optimistic that things are going to get better in relatively short order. I have faith in our new President, especially after 8 years of having absolutely no faith in the last one whatsoever. Obama seems to be on the path to righteousness, I guess we'll just have to watch and wait.

Anyway, hard at work in the studio, we are 6 tracks into it and it sounds really great, great playing and super killer tones, not to mention stellar vocals so far. I'm still not at liberty to publically divulge any singer's names, but trust me, they're amazing. I know a lot of you out there know who at least some of them are.

I will however, give you working titles for a couple songs: 'We're All Gonna Die' is one, 'These Last Words' is another. There is one song called 'Crucify The Dead' and another called 'Beautiful, Dangerous'.

We have about 8 songs left to record and I'm really excited about every one.

On the VR front, not a whole lot news to report singer-wise , which is a drag. But, this is one of those situations where just when you're ready to give up, something great happens. So, we're hanging in there until then, no matter what.

That seems to be all that's fit to update, other then I missed JEFF BECK two nights in a row this week, which is a bummer. I did record some bitchin' guitar stuff instead though... but still.

OK boys & girls, gotta go, see you next week."

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