SLAYER’s Kerry King On The Big Four Events - "I Went And Watched METALLICA Like Four Out Of The Seven Shows From Right There Behind Lars’ Drum Riser"

November 13, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news slayer metallica

Metal Exiles recently conducted an interview with SLAYER guitarist Kerry King. In the interview King talks about the band's new career retrospective box, The Vinyl Conflict and the new Big Four DVD. Excerpts from the interview are below:

Metal Exiles: Let’s talk about The Vinyl Conflict. Whose idea was that? Was it a collective decision amongst the band to put this thing out?

Kerry King: “Actually, we’re still very oblivious to things like that until somebody mentions it. We were touring Europe earlier this year when the record label told us about doing this box set. As you may know, when dealing with record labels and stuff like this, decisions have to be made yesterday. So, they told us about this plan and asked us if we had any ideas as to what we wanted to call it. I was like 'No, but I’ll figure something out.' What they had was the most retarded, stupid, generic name you could ever fucking think of. I can’t remember what it was, but imagine stupid and generic, and that was it. So I said to give me a day off to sit at the bar and think about it, so it dawned on me to call it The Vinyl Conflict. I sent it over, everybody loved it and there it is.”

Metal Exiles: I think releasing it on vinyl was a great idea. Not only is it a great opportunity for the serious collectors to get their hands on some tasty Slayer vinyl, but you can’t hork shit like that off the internet.

Kerry King: “Metal fans, more so than any type of music fan that I’ve noticed, are more inclined to support their favourite bands fully. They don’t just show up at shows and buy shirts; they want product. Whether it be backstage at a gig, or doing an in-store, the real fans don’t just show up and buy the album for you to sign it; They already had it. I think that’s what separates metal fans from the rest, is the fact that they care enough about the music to get that original product and cherish it.”

Metal Exiles: Let’s touch on The Big Four subject. That was a historical tour. How awesome was it to be a part of that and to be able to play with and hang out with some dudes that you might not have seen in quite some time?

King: “That was cool for everybody involved, because those four bands have never played together before. It was definitely a lot cooler than I expected going in. We had a great time and had lots of fun with everybody. I went and watched METALLICA like four out of the seven shows from right there behind Lars’ drum riser. It was really cool.”

Read the entire article here.

A previously reported, more chart positions have been revealed for The Big Four: Live From Sofia, Bulgaria DVD - featuring Slayer, Metallica, MEGADETH and ANTHRAX performing together for the first time in history at the Sonisphere Festival at in Warsaw, Poland on June 16th.

Current first week chart positions now include:

USA: #1

Canada: #1

UK: #1

Austria: #1

Switzerland: #3

Germany: #4

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