SONIC SYNDICATE - Ruling The Blog Part 1 Available

June 10, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news sonic syndicate

Sweden's SONIC SYNDICATE have issued a short video update (see below) and the following blog update:

June 2nd, 2010 - Studio Mega, Falkenberg, Sweden

Picture this. Huge open fields surrounded by dense forest. The only movement is from nearby horses and cows eating away at the grass. It is deathly silent apart from the faint coughing of an old tractor ploughing crops somewhere out of sight. This is possibly the last place you'd think of when someone says to you Sonic Syndicate.

Nathan: "What's up! This is Nathan and Karin taking a time out from the chaos to tell you what we're up to!

Karin: "Yup, We're in the middle of fucking nowhere. No shops. No pubs. No food. No nothing. Well... almost."

When Karin has finished talking she nods in the direction of a huge red barn behind them both. From inside you can hear the light commotion of people clearly working away. As they approach closer its now obvious this is no normal farmyard barn for animals.

Nathan: "Yeah. There is a reason why we have completely isolated ourselves. No, we haven't gone insane and turned into hippies! We're back in Studiomega which is this bad ass recording studio just outside our hometown of Falkenberg, Sweden. Last time we were here Sonic was tracking some additional vocals for our upcoming album, We Rule the Night, with Toby Wright... Now we are back! This time for a reason possibly just as cool!:

Karin: "Cooler if you ask me! I love this part! We're here with director Patric Ulleus and the Revolver Films crew shooting one of the first scenes for our new music video called 'My Own Life'. I'm super excited! We've lit up this gorgeous studio - lights, props and the techies are setting up the cameras while Robin and Roger get changed into their clothes and stuff for the very first scene!"

Nathan: "The gang is here with us! When we're not on camera its a really cool building to explore! Its huge! Its been converted from a massive barn specifically to be an all in one recording studio and living quarters. The kitchen and everything is all kitted out - which is good because if Karin doesn't get her coffee fix every few hours she turns venomous!"

Karin: "I do not!" (her face looks angry for a moment, then smiles)

Nathan: "Whatever! But yeah its great to chill out and play some X-Box in the living room on the giant flat-screen here too - Modern Warfare for the win! I could stay here forever! But mostly I've been taking advantage of the hot weather going on a few walks around all the fields here - you know getting in touch with nature and all that crap, ha ha! Other than that I've been making myself useful doing a load of online stuff with Karin, answering mails on Myspace and stuff. She kicks ass at that!"

The director is hurrying around making sure every tiny detail is exactly in place. Everyone who is not part of the crew or cast is being ushered out of the main mixing desk room where the scene is about to take place.

Nathan: "I'm not sure what the others are up to? Rich is here somewhere. I'm pretty sure he's playing the new Starcraft game which makes me happy! Anything to stop him playing World of Warcraft for while! Its good to take it easy when your not filming your own scenes because damn its tiring stuff once you get started. John however has taken this a bit literally and has been asleep on the sofa for a good few hours. Well, its lunch time soon so I'm sure he'll wake up when he smells the pizza delivery has arrived! Because of all the crew here as well we've ordered about 20 pizzas or something! Its crazy! I'm sure the pizza place must think we're joking! I hope they find us!

This is only day one of a four day shoot! So we don't want to give too much away already. What we can tell you is that its gonna be Sonic's biggest music video ever and probably Patric's too! There is so much awesome stuff crammed into it I don't know where to begin! I guess I can let you know that tomorrow we role into Gothenburg city to film John's scenes... We start off at the Harley Davidson Motor Cycle workshop. If that isn't enough to get you thinking I don't know what is!"

Karin: "Haha! Lucky John! I wanted an excuse to get my leather out! I might dress up anyway! We're all gonna pitch in to keep this blog updated every day of the shoots! If the cameras are on, then whoever isn't in front of them will be writing away here to make sure we give all our fans a behind the scenes kick ass read! Catch you later!"

Nathan: "Hell yes! See you then! Sonic Syndicate, over and out!"

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