SONIC SYNDICATE Vocalist Issues Promo Tour Blog - "Day 1 And I've Already Lost Something"

July 2, 2010, 14 years ago

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SONIC SYNDICATE vocalist Nathan J. Biggs has checked in from his recent promo tour through Europe for the band's new album, We Rule The Night. An excerpt is available below.

June 23rd - The Journey Continues

"Waking up is never my favorite thing in the world. In the cold light of morning and a slight hangover I remember leaving my favorite hooded sweatshirt at the Backstage Bar, Finland. "Great" I exclaimed to Karin "Day 1 and I've already lost something". On that note I double checked for my passport, wallet and mobile phone. At least if I have them I can survive!

5.30am and we're out the door on the way to the airport. Breakfast didn't start until 7am so we thought we were gonna go hungry! But just as we were rushing to the taxi the receptionist shouted too us "Don't forget your breakfast bags!" ... I thought to myself "What the fuck is a breakfast bag?" but sure enough our Finland Nuclear Blast representative, Silke had phoned the hotel and got them to whip us something together for the morning. Awww, how sweet ;)

Brealfast Bag Contains:

- 1 cheese and ham baguette
- 1 banana
- 1 plum
- 1 fresh croissant + chocolate spread
- 1 strawberry yogurt

So, we ate that in the taxi and then endured another hour of body and suitcase searching in airport customs (its amazing how many times you get stopped for having tattoos and piercings - narrow minded people or what?!) and then got on the plane for a 2 hour flight, touchdown in Donzedorf Germany, then on our way to sunny Madrid!"

The Spanish Inquisition

"Coming off the plane was a feeling of relief, great to breath some real oxygen after 4 hours of flying! Before we knew it we met our guide and new friend Pepo! He works for Nuclear Blast Spain and was one of the coolest people we've met - more about him later! Into the cab and off to the ROCK HARD/KERRANG! radio station!

Ok! Here is the deal. We didn't even get chance to shower! Straight to work! We were taken to the radio station and first did a photo shoot for Rock Hard Spainmagazine and then an interview. The fact that Karin and I both smelled and probably looked like a foot didn't seem to matter and we laughed and joked with our new Spanish muchachos about modern metal music, our favorite films and of course plugged the hell out of We Rule the Night..."

Siesta Time

"For those of you who don't know a Siesta is the Spanish term for chillaxing! Basically it gets so fucking hot in the middle of the day in this beautiful country that EVERYBODY takes a good 2 hours to do absolutely nothing at all - awesome! Just the thought of this is something that would probably give our manager, Mike a heart attack "Something has to be done!" ... Not here Mikey! Karin, Pepo and I took a time out and went to small local restaurant to eat some Tapas and drink coffee. Here at Sonic we always like to enjoy the county's culture that we are in. In spain Tapas is a big part of that - these are wicked tasting little dishes of breads, meats, sausage, cheese and olives that you tuck into together almost buffet style! Very nice! ... Siesta over! Back to work!

We went back to the radio station and got introduced to the DJ. This man was crazy looking! He had a huge afro-perm of frizzy grey hair and was wearing a Saxon t-shirt *Karin : 'I don't know how he got the headphones over that hair! It was incredible!'*. But this man really knew his stuff. He talked for what seemed like ages about everything from THE WHO, METALLICA, LINKIN PARK, 30 SECONDS TO MARS and others before getting to our interview. We had Pepo sat next to us interpreting everything he said. It was great for Karin to reminice about Sonic's last show in Spain with him and everyone can't wait for us to go back! We found out later that we were live on web-cam from their website and over 6,000 viewers were checking us our from South America which is were a huge part of their listeners are based. Cool!"

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