SOUNDGARDEN Guitarist Kim Thayil Says New Album Should Emerge In The Spring

July 13, 2011, 13 years ago

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SOUNDGARDEN guitarist Kim Thayil spoke with Gazette-Journal reporter Forrest Hartman recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Gazette-Journal: Do you have a time frame on the release of the album you are working on?

Thayil: "Yeah. It will probably be sometime early in 2012. I think our goal is the spring, but we're not going to push ourselves. If it's earlier that'd be great. If we don't think it's perfect by the spring, then you know (trails off). We won't be dilatory in the delivery of the album."

Gazette-Journal: Will it sound like the old Soundgarden or will people hear a lot of differences?

Thayil: "There certainly will be differences, in that the four of us have gone in slightly different directions. I mean still kind of in the general genus of rock, but specifically there might be slightly different experiences and influences that we might bring to the table. I think when the four of us get together, it's still going to come out sounding like Soundgarden."

Gazette-Journal: Do you play any of the new material live or do you intend to at some point during the tour?

Thayil: "It's not super likely for a variety of reasons. We're still working on the recording of the songs, and the recording of the songs allows the songs to develop in terms of arrangement and dynamics. The other thing is, we wouldn't really want the song to be floating out there before we were ready to release it ourselves."

Read the entire interview here.

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