STEPHEN PEARCY "May Be Pausing RATT" Next Year, Says Guitarist ERIK FERENTINOS

December 6, 2020, 3 years ago

news stephen pearcy ratt erik ferentinos hard rock

STEPHEN PEARCY "May Be Pausing RATT" Next Year, Says Guitarist ERIK FERENTINOS

Stephen Pearcy's guitarist Erik Ferentinos recently appeared on The Classic Metal Show. During the interview, which can be heard below, Erik was asked, are there any plans in the works for the Pearcy band, or you being involved with Ratt in any way in 2021?

Ferentinos replied, "I can tell you officially that Stephen Pearcy is going to go back out and play solo shows in 2021. We're more accustomed to doing smaller stuff anyway, and that's pretty much all we're gonna hope to get involved with. Potentially maybe some drive-in stuff in the spring… But we wanna play, and people wanna see shows. We'll take whatever we can get, as far as getting out there." 

"I'm just happy that [Stephen] is willing to go out at his age — he's in his 60s and he's not scared to go out there and play. He's chomping at the bit to get out, and I like that. So we're definitely planning on doing shows. We're gonna do a record... I think he may be pausing the Ratt thing this coming year. He's going to go solo. And I don't know, maybe we'll see a reunion with the real dudes, which I think they should do. They're not getting any younger."

Ratt frontman Stephen Pearcy - who is working on his sixth solo album, and confirmed that a few of the songs were “written with Ratt in mind” - has released the new song, "Night Flight", a collaboration with his guitarist, Erik Ferentinos.

Pearcy shared the track via social media, along with the caption: "'Night Flight' (Pearcy/Erik Ferentinos) from the Covid Tapes TFR 2020."

A recent post from Pearcy's Twitter account reads: "New Stephen Pearcy (his 6th) solo record due 2021 TBA with co-writer, lead guitarist Erik Ferentinos. With all (13) songs written by the pair, Pearcy is finishing working on lyrics. A few songs were written with [Ratt] in mind."


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