STRYPER Frontman Michael Sweet Issues Update On Wife's Ovarian Cancer Battle

March 7, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard stryper

STRYPER frontman Michael Sweet has issued the following update:

"I want to first apologize for not updating everyone sooner on (wife) Kyle's condition. I know how many of you have been praying and we will always be eternally grateful for your thoughts and prayers. It has been an extremely difficult past three weeks and we are trusting The Lord to see us through.

Kyle's surgery was over five hours (it should have been 2 - 3 hours) and she needed a blood transfusion due to how much she lost during surgery. All visible signs of the mass were removed and they performed a complete hysterectomy. There was a small polyp on one of her lungs nearest the mass. We're still not certain what that is. However, we received news on February 27th that Kyle has ovarian cancer. We'll be meeting with the oncologist on March 8th to find out more details but so far what we've been told is it is an aggressive type which responds well to chemotherapy. Kyle most likely will start chemo sometime the week of March 12th. Once we receive more details I will update everyone here.

I want to thank all of you for your prayers and to be honest we've seen many answered already. The door was opened for Kyle to be admitted into Brigham and Women's immediately and to be scheduled for surgery immediately. That was an answer to prayer. Due to the blood transfusion and needing help to breathe for hours after the surgery, The Lord answered prayers by saving my wife on February 14th. I'm so very grateful for all of you and it has been such a blessing to Kyle to see all of your posts and prayers - it has touched both of us to the core.

Please continue to pray for healing, strength, peace and encouragement and a complete recovery and complete remission. We will be facing many more trials over the next four months and possibly even longer. Please pray for Mikey and Ellena too. It's been very, very hard on them.

Also pray for provisions as well. We're not really sure how the next four months will unfold or what to expect but we do know that we love The Lord more than ever and we love each other more than we ever knew.

I will be writing a new newsletter to explain my heart in depth, the times ahead, the future of Stryper and the record as well. I'll be writing it sometime over the next few days and Jeff will be posting it here on WWW.MICHAELSWEET.COM soon after.

We love all of you and your prayers and support mean so much - thank you for continuing to pray for Kyle and our family.

In Him always,


For those of you that inquired as to where cards and well wishes can be sent, Michael has asked that they be mailed to the following address:

Kyle Sweet

PO Box 599

East Wareham, MA 02538

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