SUPREME PAIN Split With Drummer; Replacement Announced

October 18, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news supreme pain

Holland's SUPREME PAIN has issued the following update:

"Our drummer, Toep Duin, decided to quit Supreme Pain because of personal issues he needed to arrange. And because of that he could not combine that with playing in Supreme Pain.

It is sad, but we understand his decision and wish him all the best for the future. We had a kick ass time together and also shredded some sick gigs. The last gig with Toep behind the kit was at Turock in Essen, Germany (check out footage below).

Toep take care and we will see each other somewere around.

The new drum machine for the Supreme Pain brutality will be Paul Beltman. He is former SINISTER drummer and also he played the drums for FONDLECORPSE, INFINITED HATE and WEAPONS TO HUNT. Also he was playing a couple of years in JUDGEMENT DAY.

So a very experienced and very skilled drummer. Paul is a very cool guy and it's great he is now behind the kit in Supreme Pain.

We had rehearsals and played a couple of brand new songs and it went great! At the moment we will be working on new songs and with Paul behind the kit it will be sick, fast and brutal!

So Supreme Pain will continue to create blasting death metal!

More on Supreme Pain at this location.

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