TED NUGENT To Join WCSX Classic Rock Morning Show Tomorrow

January 23, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard ted nugent wcsx

On Thursday, January 24, 2008 for 15 consecutive hours, The WCSX Classic Rock Morning Show with JJ & Lynne will be in studio raising money for Children’s Leukemia Foundation through on-line auction, on-air incentives, and corporate sponsorships. TED NUGENT is scheduled to join the show. Here is some info on this year’s Radiothon.

The Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan (CLF) had been serving children and adults in Michigan with Leukemia, Lymphoma, and related blood disorders for almost 50 years. CLF’s programs are designed to help people cope, overcome barriers, and maintain or improve their quality of life as they face the challenge of dealing with these serious illnesses.

Children’s Leukemia Foundation provides:

*Financial Assistance

*Assistance with everyday needs

*Special Needs Fund


*Emotional and Peer Support

*Casework and Information & Referrals

*Recreational Events

*Interactive Workshops

*Holiday Toys Program

*Additional funding for research

Children, adults, and families of those afflicted need these services.

Children’s Leukemia Foundation is a non-profit organization that relies on donation from individuals and businesses.

The WCSX Radiothon is one of the major sources of revenue for CLF. As of today, the WCSX Radiothon has raised well over 2.9 Million Dollars and have assisted thousands of people.

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