THE HAUNTED Frontman Issues Update

July 17, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news the haunted

MetalSucks reports:

Notoriously outspoken THE HAUNTED frontman Peter Dolving has written the first in his exclusive blog series for MetalSucks. Continuing on in the same tone as his popular and controversial MySpace blogs, Dolving's blogs follow in the vein of the popular MetalSucks blogs by GOD FORBID's Dallas Coyle, in which anything goes and absolutely nothing is off limits. The inaugural entry is about grabbing your own destiny by the horns and working hard towards your goals.

An excerpt follows:

"Participation and action are the keywords of todays ranting. It’s the simplest fucking thing in the world. If you want a glass of water. Get off your ass, get something to drink from and find a place to fill whatever the fuck you found, then; Commence drinking. If you want a tree to grow out of your fucking skull, plant seed in soil - water until seedling rises - drill hole in head - plant seedling and let heal - Presto! Get it?

As someone who does a lot of interviews in a band, I can tell you, I get to listen to several thousand completely moronic questions everytime we release a new album. Like this one “What are your plans now that the album is out?”… Here’s where I pinch my chin; 'Hmmm, I think I’ll sit on my hands and pine for the fields. Oh, or wait! I might build a giant squidfilled sno-cone and call it Sven!' 'No? Oh… tour!!'

Why would I want to tour? Aha! Because I want to get sloshed on free beer and cheap weed every night and get genital herpes without the hassle of having to beg, possibly pay for it?!


I WANT TO TOUR BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO FUCKING SEE MY BAND BECAUSE IT KICKS ASS AND I FUCKING LOVE IT! OK?! And if someone else out there understands what I love about it, then yes, eventually enough people will have bought our album and fuck, maybe even a Tshirt and I and my brothers in the band will be able to pay our fucking rent. Oh. Did I mention that I fucking love my band?

And yes, the last couple of years we have pulled our own and that has taken a fucken tremendous amount of work. So what does all that mean?

It means we are reaping what we sowed, and you, if you are fan, are paying us for the service of providing you with more of what we hope you’ll enjoy.

And here’s a little passus I need to add for the extreme neoliberal kids, the (bile spewing froth forming around my mouth) neo-cons, or the anarcho-chique crusty-the-clowners; This is NOT a capitalist mechanism - folks this is so fucking simple. I’m a redneck I should know; You make something someone else feels they’d like a portion of. You give them some and you get something back.

Since we live in a capitalist world, we need money - that’s what our fans give us. Money, cool tshirts, weird little trinkets JoeBob and his momma glued together in the attic, dreamcatchers, weed, panties, waaaaaaay to many copies of someone’s cousins garage bands homeburnt CD. But mostly thank Lucifer, money.

It pays the fucking bills dog.

Now back to the subject; participation and action. Since I was a kid it’s always been the most obvious thing in the world. Though I spent a long part of my life staying the fuck away from participating (in ANYTHING) with what I considered morons( iow. anyone who didn’t agree with me) somewhere along the way it dawned on me; My grand dad was right! He said “Give everything time, don’t stop, don’t give up. If you’re doing what you feel you need to do…” and here’s were I have to add a little cinematic imagery; He actually swept his hand, no I’m shitting you - in front us, to show me the miles and miles of forest in the hills below that was all his.

How he lost it all is a different story, it involves goverment, need I say…

The thing is this, I’ve done exactly that. And it’s finally paying off. And I even started to grow some humility along the line, just enough to work, even with people I considered morons. And guess what. It turns out they’re NOT morons! They just think different that my bloated little ego. Boy, wish someone would have told me…

To read the full entry visit MetalSucks.

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