April 7, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news the monolith deathcult

Dutch extreme metallers THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT have parted ways with guitarist Martijn Moes, replacing him with session/touring guitarist Ivo Hilgenkamp.

A message at the band's website reads: "Following a failed rescue attempt of a Dutch citizen in Libya, three marine operatives and a Lynx helicopter were seized by Qaddhaffi's troops. The three operatives were returned, but the Libyans kept the Lynx helicopter... And our one-man army, our long-time guitarist of 9 years, Martijn Moes, who was sent to protect the one copy of Trivmvirate that was in the glove compartment of said Lynx helicopter.

In a round of negotiations with several Arabian leaders, Michiel and Robin [pictured] didn't succeed in getting Martijn back, but returned triumphantly with another guitarist who had been in Qaddhafi's torture dungeons. The name of the new guitarist is said to be Ivo Hilgenkamp, and he is reputed to be live member only. It is rumoured that Martijn is not to return. More details as this chilling drama unfolds."

A previous update from the band states:

"And here it is... a brand new track called 'Aslimu!!! - All Slain Those Who Brought Down Our Highly Respected Symbols To The Lower Status Of The Barren Earth'.

The lyrical theme of this track is mainly based on Lawrence Wright’s book, The Looming Tower. Besides that I was inspired by the Dua-e-Sanam-e-Quraish curse and the events arround The Muslim Brotherhood. This is a rare track which we recorded to let the people know what we are doing. Writing a TMDC song costs a lot of time, because of all the lyrical research and musical finetuning. There is a huge change that the final album track will be totally different from this one, but that is how we work.

The lyrics of this song were written during the summer/autumn of 2010 and vocals were recorded in the X-mass holiday of the same year. To our suprise the subject became extremely relevant because of the turmoil in the Middle East region. Everybody who watched the speech of the Libian Bedioen tent- revolutionary on Al-Jazeera wil understand that we MUST write a track about Muammer Gaddafi."

Check out the track below. More on The Monolith Deathcult at this location.

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