THE WHO's PETE TOWNSHEND And Girlfriend To Launch Live And Internet Festival

March 20, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard pete townshend the who

Launch Radio Networks has issued the following report from Howie Edelson

PETE TOWNSHEND and girlfriend Rachel Fuller plan to expand their In The Attic webcasts and club shows into a full scale live and Internet festival next year. Fuller announced the couple's plans on her official website and explained that, "Next summer, me and Pete will hopefully be organizing a Woodstock-style festival called 'Atticfest'. It will be held over the course of a weekend and will either be held at a venue in the UK or US."

The festival, which is still in the planning stages, will feature both electric and acoustic stages and be broadcast non-stop over the Internet. Fuller added that, "People will subscribe to a site, receive a 24-hour pass, eventually a DVD and audio CD of the festival, enter competitions and... much more."

Pete Townshend says that his ultimate interest in the Internet is in linking people together though live music: "In a way, live events on the Internet do allow you to say, 'This is up for a limited amount of time. You can't steal it, you can copy it and watch it later, but if you want to watch it when it's happening, you have to be on line.'You have to be in the loop in order to be able to experience in that. So in a sense, live music is what this is about for me and where it may eventually go."

Earlier this week, Townshend formally announced the long-awaited interactive collaborative music program called "The Method," to be launched on April 25th at his Oceanic Studios in London.

As Townshend posted on his official blog (, "'The Method'(which is) designed by Lawrence Ball offers subscribers the opportunity to create their own unique musical composition by 'sitting'for the Method software composer, just as you would sit for a painter making your portrait."

Townshend has used the theory of utilizing a person's musical "fingerprint" as far back as The Who's 1971 song 'Baba O'Riley', which featured the "musical characteristics" of his guru Meher Baba. Most recently, Townshend used the process for the opening number of The Who's Endless Wire album, called 'Fragments'.

Despite The Who canceling their past two shows in Mexico City and San Antonio, due to ROGER DALTREY suffering from a viral infection, plans are still underway for the band to perform on Thursday night (March 22nd) in Little Rock at Alltel Arena.

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