THE WILDHEARTS' Ginger Issues Recording Update

April 8, 2009, 15 years ago

news the wildhearts rock hard

THE WILDHEARTS frontman Ginger has issued the following update:

"For the love of music.

Groggy and shaken, the four rock soldiers rouse themselves from a disjointed slumber to a fresh morning set almost at complete odds with their hapless disposition. With the safety of the future of rock in their shaky hands and armed with volume and riffs they set about the stormy task of creating sonic mastery. The sheer might of the tsunami of soundwaves cascading from the colossal speakers shaking off the cobwebs like a melodic elixir.

Or something.

Starting on bass and guitar today. Bass in one room and guitar in the other. Not the way we'd normally go about recording, naturally we'd play together with the drums, but we have a producer this time so we're listening to him with regards to making a killer album. We've also tuned down to C for most of the songs, occasionally D. It's something we've always toyed with but until we listened to Torche the other day and asked ourselves why our guitars always sound tinny on recordings, we'd been avoiding it. I assume we thought it was joining in with fashions to detune guitars, as everyone seems to be doing it. Fuck fashion, everyone is doing it because it sounds awesome. Huge. Grand. Powerful. Majestic. Expensive.

The quicker we lose this 'authenticity' thing the better.

It's great to be in the middle of the making of a truly great album.

Great producer: check.

Great studio: check.

Great songs: check

Open minds: check.

We've decided to turn our power ballad into a rock song now. We couldn't get to grips with how to write a BRYAN ADAMS song so we opted for PIXIES meets WEEZER. Scott sings it now. I'm very relieved, I was starting to hate the song.

Sometimes when something seems to be going nowhere it's because it really is going nowhere. It takes a certain amount of courage to stop and turn around.

Even more to admit you're lost and let someone else drive!

Scott is turning into a truly great writer. He's even surprising himself with his compositions. Yesterday he knocked out a quick pop/rock thing, tentatively called 'Start Over', and now we're talking about it being a single.

There are actually quite a few potential singles on this album.

Bob Lefsetz thinks the album is over? The guy has either have fallen out of love with enjoyment, or merely out of time.

Todays attention deficient internet nation needs to read the odd paperback in the middle of scouting for blogs, visit the odd gallery instead of assuming hi res is where it's at, and enjoy the pleasure of a truly great album instead of thinking they're getting the full picture from one isolated track.

Don't tell me the future will be one where people can't spend 40 minutes to listen to a good album, or that music needs to make a socio-political statement. Music should be whatever people want it to be.

What seems to be happening is that with the dissolution of record companies the dictators are now internet nerds with the need to rule what is essentially an artistic statement.

Animal Farm anyone?

Some things are better than the internet, and music is just one of them.

Don't deny your pleasure, people.

And if you waste your time buying music that is creatively substandard then let it be known. Set up a site where people can openly berate artists peddling mush that falls below a certain level of quality. Send the results to the artists management and record label, most artists are pretty easy to get hold of in these baby kissing, fan friendly days.

Send the results to every forum in the world. Let it be known that you're tired of being ripped off from purchasing music with only a commercial interest, and you want your money back.

Naturally cull the hordes of dross in order to make way for musicians actually willing to make music an artistic statement, not just a commercial one.

Those people still exist. Please buy their music, METALLICA don't need your money.

Don't starve the true artist out of a living and don't buy GUNS N' ROSES' album. Use xtorrent instead. Fuck U2, steal their album, they can afford it.

And shame on you if you download anything independent.

Peace and out.


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