THEOCRACY Introduce New Lead Guitarist

January 25, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news theocracy

Athens, Georgia-based THEOCRACY have issued the following update:

"Theocracy is proud to welcome Val Allen Wood as their new lead guitarist! Val is an amazing talent, and will be taking over the guitar duties along with Jon, allowing Matt to step fully into the vocalist/frontman role. The band is very excited about this development, and the new lineup will be hitting stages in the U.S. and Europe soon!"

As previously reported, recently spoke with Theocracy frontman Matt Smith about the band's new album, Mirror Of Souls. An excerpt from the interview appears below:

SoT: How do you feel about this album, did the band achieve what they aimed for?

Matt: "I'm very happy with it. Obviously any musician will be able to nitpick things they would like to do better after an album is released, but overall I'm pretty thrilled. I don't feel like we had to 'settle' for anything. We felt like we had strong material, and I'm just relieved that the production, artwork, and other presentation details lived up to that quality as well."

SoT: Now that Mirror of Souls is out what tour plans do you have and will you be performing the title track? I imagine your material would be a lot of fun to perform live.

Matt: "It is fun, but kinda tricky since I have to play guitar and sing. We have played the title track all the way through once, and it was a lot of fun. We've also played sections of it at other shows. There are no tour plans per se at the moment because we're still trying to find a new bass player, but we do have some individual shows lined up, including the Elements of Rock festival in Switzerland next May, which will be our first trip overseas. So we're very excited about that."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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