THY MAJESTIE Part Ways With Singer, Guitarist

April 14, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news thy majestie

Italian symphonic power metal act THY MAJESTIE have issued the following update:

"All right folks, after a little break and some day to think, the time has come to explain how our situation is at the moment. A few days ago some news about the split with Dario Grillo (vocals) was issued. We want to say that it is not correct to publish such news without hearing our word, in as much as there was none about that in our website!!! As they were amateur webzines we chose not to pay any attention.

Let’s get to the point: after eight years with Thy Majestie, three recorded CDs, much sacrifice and time together Giovanni Santini (guitar) has left the band. We won’t explain his reasons, though if he would like he could reply by sending us an e-mail that will be shown in this site. We are sorry for that and we wish Giovanni all the best. Thank you Giovanni.

In his place Simone Campione, a very good guitarist from Palermo is to perform at our gigs in Holland and he’s also going to record the next Thy Majestie album. He’s giving us a hand in this dire straits and if he likes he can be a stable element of the band.

More mess: we unfortunately made a mistake…about what? (someone might wonder). It was a mistake to believe that with Dario Grillo the things might have run easily. We already got it four years ago when there was some communication problem. And so it was after a hard struggle to make his mind up about our gigs in Holland we decided to leave him with his troubles that may have thwarted the smooth running of our work. Good luck to Dario. This time we’re sure we won’t get any relationship anymore.

Well, who’s gonna sing with Thy Majestie in The Netherlands and in Modica? And the new album? Don’t worry we’ve got some interesting stuff and we’ll show you it up soon.

To everyone: Support us on, you won’t be sorry!

Giuseppe (Bondì - keyboards), Dario (D'Alessandro - bass), Maurizio (Malta - guitar) and Claudio (Prima - drums)."

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