TOBY KNAPP Speaks To Shred Academy; Interview Available

October 22, 2009, 14 years ago

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Ex-ONWARD guitarist TOBY KNAPP (GODLESS RISING) was recently interviewed by Shred Academy's Guy Onraet. The following is an excerpt:

Q: What steps have you taken to forge a career in the music industry?

A: "One small step at a time. Start with a small goal, perhaps creating a demo that creates a good buzz that lands some press from a guitar magazine. Then move to the next goal, start with what is thought possible and eventually move to the goals you once thought impossible. A love of music and creating it for personal satisfaction instead of lusting for a result is still the most important way to approach it, one shouldn't pursue music for specific outcomes, one should create because they are driven to create. My longevity in the business exists because I release any attachment to results, then opportunities actually start coming my way. I've noticed bands/musicians that want to "make it" so bad, it just seems to guarantee they never will."

Q: What advice do you have for people looking to get into the music industry?

A: "Realize that getting signed only puts you in the category of the tons of bands that have record deals and you have to work much harder at that point. The music industry is a dangerous place at times. Touring is not the thing people think it is, it's grueling and in the underground metal scene, touring conditions are terrible. Getting into the business only guarantees you will be able to serve an audience your music, and the privilege of doing so is the only guarantee for a musician. If you want materialistic rewards you are barking up the wrong tree."

Q: What are the pressures in the industry and how do you cope with them?

A: "I really am not to pressured at the moment, there's nothing in my musical life I need to cope with at the present, and if there was I would probably abandon the situation. When Onward was at it's height, there was pressure, there was problems and I drank way too much. I've changed in that aspect. If I want longevity, self-preservation is the highest law."

Read the complete interview at this location.

A recent update from Knapp reads, "I have selected two extra tracks to include on my forthcoming album The Campaign (out in December on Shredguy Records). One seems to be a 'cult' favorite, but has never been issued on CD, 'Eternal Winters' from a 1996 Darken demo. The other track I am asked often about, 'Infinite Opposition' from a solo EP that Wild Rags Records released also in 1996. This will bring the album's total to ten songs. Look for that soon in addition to more Godless Rising information to be posted here also. Thanks for the support!" is currently streaming the new Toby Knapp track 'Telekinesis' - head to the left-hand-side of to launch the KnuckleTracks Online Audio Player.

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