Today In Metal History 🤘 July 18th, 2023🤘 ANTHRAX, AT THE GATES, MEGADETH, OBITUARY, OVERKILL

July 18, 2023, 11 months ago

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Today In Metal History 🤘 July 18th, 2023🤘 ANTHRAX, AT THE GATES, MEGADETH, OBITUARY, OVERKILL


R.I.P. Martin Eric Ain (CELTIC FROST) - July 18th, 1967 - October 21st, 2017 (aged 50)

Tom G. Warrior talks about losing Martin Ain and his friend, legendary artist H.R. Giger who passed in 2014. Giger painted the legendary artwork for Celtic Frost's To Mega Therion:

"Well, I miss the frequent exchanges with them, the intellectual exchanges with them," Warrior remembers. "Martin only became a songwriter on the last Celtic Frost album, before that Martin's role was basically as an advisor, as a consultant. In that way, he became very important. Almost as important as if he will have written music. And that's exactly what I miss. Discussing music with him. Discussing creativity with him. Discussing concepts with him, ideas. And sometimes he had an extremely cross and radical approach, like me, too, but a different one, and these different approaches made for very interesting conversation, and sometimes you had to be really open and prepared to allow each other's viewpoint, and learn from it. And that's really what I miss about him. And with Giger, it's of course much the same. Giger, when he was still health-wise in a good place, Giger had a lot of knowledge about occultism, and about art, and he was a highly interesting person. I'm saying this because of course the music and the art remains, that's not what I'm missing. I'm missing the actual exchange with the person."


Happy 42nd 
ANTHRAX - formed July 18th, 1981
40 years ago this Big 4 band from the Big Apple were formed! 


Happy 35th
VINNIE MOORE’s Time Odyssey - July 18th, 1988

Happy 29th
AT THE GATES’ Terminal Spirit Disease - July 18th, 1994

Happy 28th 
MEGADETH's Hidden Treasures - July 18th, 1995

Happy 24th 
AMERICAN HEAD CHARGE’s Trepanation - July 18th, 1999

Happy 18th
OBITUARY's Frozen In Time - July 18th, 2005

Happy 16th 
BLOOD STAIN CHILD's Mozaiq - July 18th, 2007

Happy 15th 
FEAR MY THOUGHTS’ Isolation – July 18th, 2008

Happy 10th 
PHILIP H. ANSELMO & THE ILLEGALS’ Walk Through Exits Only - July 18th, 2013
SEVEN WITCHES’ Rebirth - July 18th, 2013
KING CONQUER’s 1776 – July 18th, 2013

Happy 9th 
OVERKILL’s White Devil Armory - July 18th, 2014
EMPYRIUM’s The Turn Of The Tides – July 18th, 2014


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