TONY HARNELL - "More On My Mom..."

April 28, 2009, 15 years ago

news tony harnell rock hard

TONY HARNELL (ex-TNT, STARBREAKER) recently announced that his mother passed away on Friday morning, April 24th. In another update, Tony states:

"To everyone who has written or will still write regarding the passing of my mother I want to thank you. Your love is felt, needed and deeply appreciated. I am truly heartbroken and your thoughts are very uplifting.

As for the headline "...Loses battle with Cancer", F*ck Cancer. It's so CNN to write that. It's so cliché and no disrespect to anyone else who has gone through this but Cancer did not win, the people who fight it win regardless of the outcome. And the fact that she outlived the "Doctors" predictions by a long shot is proof that in her own way she won.

By fighting it with all she had and not giving up she won and will have that dignity to take with her into the next realm whatever that may be. She didn't lose a battle. She helped so many people along the way including me. She was an inspiration while she was healthy and while she was ill. We talked for hours and sang and laughed. Yes, she left way too soon, but in my eyes and heart she won. She is my angel and I know she will always be there for me. I know this is what the press writes but it bugs me and I had to express that.

We have lived a very unconventional life both together in my younger years and of course later separately. Much of what we both experienced was unusual, adventurous, eccentric, comedic, tragic and illuminating. I hope to write and publish a book sometime in the future that will chronicle the unorthodox craziness which has been my life and much of it will of course include my mother's journals. Her journals alone will probably make for good reading!

And though this is 100% about my mother I just need to say contrary to (an online) press release that I am NOT the "current singer in Starbreaker". There is no Starbreaker outside of the studio. I am now a solo artist. Starbreaker is a cool little project, but not my focus at all career wise, it was a filler project at best and a pretty good one at that. My heart and soul is in going forward with new music without compromise. That's what my mother wanted me to do. That's all I wanted to say about that.

And finally, my mother’s name was Constance Haldaman not "Mrs. Harnell". She was born in Enid Oklahoma and moved to California in her early teens. She is survived by myself, my aunt (her sister), and my Grandparents.

I realized after my initial post got picked up (online) that I needed to fill in the gaps and correct a few things and say them the way I wanted them to be said. Again, I would have preferred to keep all this private but when you have to cancel shows this business forces you sometimes to reveal things that should otherwise remain private mostly to protect the promoters interests. That being the case I needed to say all I could about this remarkable woman at this time. I will continue to do so as time goes by. My thoughts go out to all of you who have lost people close to you, I got your mesages and it means a lot.

Love to all of you and thank you again for your love.


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