TORTURE DIVISION Complete Recording New Album

June 21, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news torture division

Swedish death metallers TORTURE DIVISION have issued the following update:

"Yeah, yeah… We know… We are such bastards. We haven’t even hinted at us doing anything at the moment except for preparing for the Getaway Festival gig in a few weeks. That’s how we like it, you should never know what we are up to. Thing is, we completed this demo some month back or so. The last part of trilogy 2. The circle is now complete with this final instalment in the Evighetens Dårar campaign. But… and here’s the fun part – we will not give it to you just yet. How about that, huh? We know you can’t keep yer panties on in anticipation for this third piece of death metal butchering, created the way only we can create it. We can’t help you though – you’ll just have to squeeze those legs together and try to survive for another bunch of weeks. Why is this the case then? Well…

(Disclaimer: If nothing fucks up the plans, the following is how we are planning it… We are waiting for some cool backing vocals to arrive before we can complete it. Our personal hero Swanö’s already mixed the damn thing, he’s just waiting for the backing vocals for the last track.)

We have told you before that we have something special planned for all of you who come to the Getaway Festival gig, right? This actually has nothing to do with what we have in mind, but we thought we should hand out some advance copies of this brand new muthafucken recording to the ones in the front row at this very gig. Yep, how’s that for a “thank you”? We will release the damn thing officially a few days or a week after this event, so if you can’t attend you’ll get it for free later on, as always when it comes to Torture Division. Do not forget, we give you the world’s best death metal for free, which brings us to the following:

We will have a new t-shirt at this gig as well (check the picture, stoopid. There is a back print as well, but we are not showing it). A new Torture Division affiliate named Devilish will work with us when he and we feel like it. Just becoz we dig his style and we believe it’s about time he gets some exposure and jobs – the guy fuckin' deserves it. You need a design for something? Talk to the fucken dude and make sure you pay him good. Torture Division is not going to make him rich – we just settle for making him well-known. Yeah, we are that nice. (We have another shirt coming as well by good ol' Guger, who’s done a bunch of shirts and whatnot for us, but that one isn’t completed at this very point in time. It’ll surface sooner or later we’re sure). So, the gig… Make sure to be there if you can. It’s going to be a fuckin' blast (by the way, this has nothing to do with what we have up our sleeves for the gig either, these are just bonuses. There’s something even more special happening there in concert… Nice, huh?).

Now we’ll concentrate on recording albums with our other bands in the fall of 2010, but you never know – maybe we’ll be able to squeeze in the first demo of trilogy 3 somewhere during all that. We don’t count on it though, we just plan to do a gig every now and then and blast tunes from these two trilogies that we have done so far on stage, just to start off 2011 with a bang. But as mentioned, you never know what we are up to.

Keep an eye on our forums and our site for info when the demo is officially released. And if we have any leftover shirts after the gig, we will sell those through the site as always. Looking forward to see ya in Gävle at the Getaway Festival.

That’s a wrap for now."

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