November 20, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news siberian orchestra trans chris caffery

As previously reported, TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA guitarist Chris Caffery (SAVATAGE) is keeping a tour diary for the duration of the east coast company's North American tour. He has issued the following update:


Let me see what I can remember!

I just got into my room in Syracuse! Snowing here. Dinosaur Barbeque will happen later today. Hoping to hunt in the AM!!!!

Woke up a few minutes ago and saw a still awake pair of Skolnick and Lewis. They are on a different planet at the moment!!!

We usally stay at the place called the Woodlands in Wilkes-Barre. It is a really cool hotel on a river. Amazing beds and blankets! They sell their own pillows, blankets and sheets. I think the travel agent thought we would like to be closer to the venue and the shopping so we were put in the Hilton by the arena. It is a very nice hotel, just one major problem. The rain hit Wilkes-Barre hard the day before. There was a huge water main break. I knew this because E was meeting me at the hotel. She arrived at 8PM. We arrived at about 7:30. Nothing! I was supposed to be on the Rocky and Sue show but noone called me to pick me up! It was a miscommunication because the station manager left me contact info via My Space and I could not get on because of the usual My Space probs! I had old cell #'s and no direct station line. So, I went to sleep!

The hotel seemed to have absolutely no idea when the water would get fixed. We were able to go take showers at the local health club. This was quite an adventure. Nothing like showering with a bunch of fat, hairy businessmen! Not sure what they were working out at the gym, but it definitely was not working. There was just one huge locker room like shower there. Not exactly the greatest situation, but water nonethe less! E said the girls side was more private and clean. That is typical!

We headed to Verizon earlier in the day so when we were done showering my new phone was ready. The only thing that sucked was that I lost my video games from my phone. I guess those do not transfer. Hockey, football, deer hunting, bowling...all gone!

It was soon off to the venue. I love the Wachovia Arena. Actually the next one in Hershey too. They usually have many of the same workers there. They are always so friendly. It was the same routine. Poster and guitar signings, soundcheck. I got E some dinner, then we went to the bus to relax and await the show. Lots of family around today. So much that they actually had a Family dressing room! I thought it was cute. My sister, her fiance', his mom and sister were coming to the show. Dana seemed to be having a good day. Some of you know here that she was diagnosed with MS this year. She has her good and bad days. She did drop me off more CD's from my stock at home because I am selling a lot of the autographed CD's here on the road. Thanks for the support!

The show was a really good one. Bein' that is it now Monday at 6AM, I can't really remember the details! Shadoe from KRZ was there to introduce us. He is a great guy. The whole KRZ staff is amazing. The signing line was the longest to date. We kept getting water updates all night. I do remember saying that the Wilkes-Barre Penguins should change from a hockey team to a water polo team! By the end of the line we learned we were switching hotels. So...we finished up and headed to the Hilton to gather our things. Our new hotel was about 15 minutes away at Montage Mountain. I checked in my room before we left and the water seemed to be starting to build pressure. My guess was we were moving for no reason, but the crew needed showers and it was better to be safe than scummy!

Since we had two shows we did not get to sleep in too late, but we could bathe! I think our bus call was 1:30PM. I know, this seems late, but we were tired! Of course we found out there was water now at the Hilton! We stopped back there for a few forgotten things and headed to the venue. A little lunch, no soundcheck and we were onstage again. forgive my brain deadness, but I know the afternoon show was great, just can't remember what the frick happened right now! Quick break, shower, show #3! Rocky, Sue and Psycho Mike were introducing this one. I explained my failed attempt to contact them and actually I am awaiting a call from them at 8AM this morning so I can talk live! The 3 shows were our biggest 3 show total for Wilkes-Barre ever I believe. The Saturday night crowd was amazing. The line showed this. It was so long. The crew had the lights packed up before we were done! The final number of 354 was well over a hundred longer than last nights and that was the longest ever! We arrived at the hotel at about 1:30Am and had an 11AM departure time. Not much time to rest before the next 2 shows! More to come on the Hershey page!"



To view all TSO 2006 tour dates - east and west coast touring companies - go to this location. Links for ticket purchases can be found at the same location.

Bootleg video footage of the east coast company's November 9th show in Ft. Wayne, is is currently available at the following locations. The footage was shot from the floor, offering a decent impression of what fans can expect.

Check the clips out here: TSO1, TSO2, TSO3, TSO4, TSO5, TSO6


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