TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA Guitarist CHRIS CAFFERY Checks In From The Road - Violinist MARK WOOD Returns To The Fold

November 13, 2006, 17 years ago

siberian orchestra hot flashes mark wood news trans chris caffery

As previously reported, TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA guitarist Chris Caffery (SAVATAGE) is keeping a tour diary for the duration of the east coast company's North American tour. He has issued the following update:

"Rupp Arena in Lexington and Nutter they are!

I woke up on the bus in Lexington. The first thing I did was call E to say good morning and then I called tech support for my website. I was assuming it was still down. It was and there was no tech support answering! Figures. I was preparing for the worst. I contacted Marc at ETW, my webdesigner and we were trying to decide if we should swap servers completely. This would take days, but I was beginning to believe it would take days to get through to my server!

After hours of calls and password research I just gave up and went to the venue. I had some lunch and waited for soundcheck. I had no need to get a team shirt for the venue 'cuz I had a Wildcats BBall Jersey from last tour! Soundcheck was running late, I tried to take a nap but could not sleep. I was stressed about the site. Right before we went onstage the site came back on! I was relieved. I had only lost a little over 12 hours. Any other time of the year I would not be stressing, but this is my busiest time on the site! Daily visits double.

The show was great. The crowd was amazing. I really felt like I played my best show to date. It was Veterans Day so I gave an extended thanks to the troops! No specific moments stick out in the show. It was just great! It was great to have Mark Wood back. Alison did a great job, but Mark is so frickin' awesome! Would love to have them both each night! I remember something funny. I forgot to introduce 'Queen Of The Winter Night'. The band stopped me as I was asking for the cell phones to come on for 'Carmina'! I covered my tracks, laughed and we moved on. After the song everyone had their phones up and ready for 'Carmina'. I was still laughing! The signing line was the longest yet. I reached #217. Many happy 'Faces'. My knee was hurting again. I was hoping it was just a bit of soreness that would go away in the AM. We had a long ride to Dayton. So, nothing too exciting. Thai food and relaxing...then off to sleep!

I woke up in Dayton at about 6AM. I headed to my room and tried to sleep again. I was awake on and off. Kinda hard ot sleep when you know you have a matinee! I headed across the street at 11:30 and hit Wal-Mart. Found a funny red-neck deer hunting toy! A jeep with a singing buck attached. Had to buy it! Got a few other things I needed and headed back for the bus call. I stopped in the Verizon store to try and figure out why my phone won't charge right. They said it was the charger and gave me a new one. IT WAS NOT, DUMBASSES!

There was breakfast at the venue. Our caterers have TOO much food out here. I ate and headed back to the bus to watch football. I handed in my picks for the pool before kick-off. I was hopeful. Boy was I wrong. The parody in the NFL is unreal. Everyone stinks! Well, not the Colts...but this was another weird week!

I was greeted by a good friend and fan Tim Shepperd. He had made me a custom guitar! It is so cool I am going to post pictures soon. If you read this can you post them for me! It is a V-type guitar with cool snowflakes; TSO and Chris Caffery writing and pictures of me and DDP!!! Thanks so much my friend!

Show one was totally sold out. Ronald McDonald was back in the house. He was missing last year for the charity presentation. He is always happy to see me. I feel good because I am not the only clown onstage then!

Crowd was good, a little quiet at first. Seems to be a pattern. I think it is the mood that is set by the new opening song. Everyone seemed a bit tired onstage. It was time for a day off! The tiredness is not something the crowd would notice, but I can tell by everyone's faces and body English! This is Jay Pierce's hometown. His Mom was in the house. No signing line but I did stop afterwards and sign about 50 people's tickets.

It was too late for dinner so I just took a shower and made a protein shake. I check the scores and I was doing terribly in the pool! Oh well! Before I knew it we were back in for another charity presentation and show #2. Or shall I say a -Nutter one. It was the Nutter Center! Show #2 was good, my feet and knee were killing me. I think I had some great playing moments and some ones I know I could have played better. I am really trying to take things to a higher level. Sometimes things work....others...well!!! No really silly moments. A tight show all around. Thanks for the Nightmare Santa hat from my friends in the front row!

The signing line was long for a Sunday. I reached #178. #178 was the same father and daughter that gave me the hat. They had gifts for all of us. They made me a desk calendar! I will get the name soon, I am so tired! We have a 9 hour drive! Day off tomorrow. I will update anything I forgot then!"

Goodnight and Peace!


To view all TSO 2006 tour dates - east and west coast touring companies - go to this location. Links for ticket purchases can be found at the same location.

Bootleg video footage of the east coast company's November 9th show in Ft. Wayne, is is currently available at the following locations. The footage was shot from the floor, offering a decent impression of what fans can expect.

Check the clips out here: TSO1, TSO2, TSO3, TSO4, TSO5, TSO6

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