TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA - Tribute Page To Daryl Pediford Online

November 23, 2004, 19 years ago

hot flashes news siberian orchestra trans

As previously reported, TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA vocalist Daryl Pediford passed away on October 30th, only a few weeks before their current tour was to begin. A fan tribute page can be found here. Fans are invited to submit memories, stories and pictures about Daryl Pediford. These will be added weekly on the site as a remembrance of all that Daryl meant to the TSO family.

Guitarist Chris Caffery (SAVATAGE) posted the following statement at his official website a few days after Pediford passed away.

"Hello my musical friends and family members...

Saturday, October 30th the world had lost a true diamond. Diamond Daryl Pediford passed away. This news you all know by now. I wanted to let you all know right away, but I wanted to make sure we respected Daryl and his family. So I awaited the official statement from TSO before I spoke here or let the news become official.

I must admit that the past three days have been very difficult for me. Difficult for my many friends in TSO that have had the pleasure of working with this gentleman and superstar. To our fans...the many DDP fans...I know it is difficult for you too. Daryl had become a part of your holidays. A rock and roll Bing Crosby. Kinda more like a Bing Cosby! Daryl transcended age...transcended race...He set a standard for the TSO singers that was often admired, but hardly ever matched.

Like a Stevie Wonder...Frank Sinatra...Elvis Presley...there was and will only be one Daryl Pediford.

I had the pleasure and privilege of being not only his band mate, his room mate, but his unofficial little brother. I dont think Daryl had called me anything but "My Brother" or "My Baby Brother" since the very first TSO tour.

We would stay up all night on the road and laugh. Laugh so hard sometimes it hurt. But there is no pain deeper than the one I feel right now. There is a hole in my soul, yet I feel a strength too. You see, Daryl was a very spiritual person. He would pass on secrets showed to him by blues greats...people that were taught by Hendrix. Daryl was not only an amazing singer. He was just about the most bad ass rhythm and blues rhythm guitarist I had ever heard. He showed me things to be "Used...not abused." This "Mojo" is special. It was his gift to me and I will continue to try to spread this magic to you. It is the least I can do for DDP.

Right now all I can do is try to be strong. Don't know what it is about this time of the year...October we lost Criss Darryl...the late Ray Gillen in the weeks to come...

Daryl is an angel now...his memory will never die. His voice will still be heard echoing across the arenas, through the theaters in our hearts and souls forever.

This TSO tour will be a lot different than we all thought just a short week ago. But...Daryl would want us to smile. He would want us to enjoy our time on tour and your time in the audience. Does this mean we won't cry...HECK NO...does this mean the show will be the same...HECK NO...does it mean there will be a second that he will not be on my mind or the minds of all of us this and every year during every minute of a TSO show. HECK NO. Those of you that never got to see a TSO/TSO East will continue to hear about the watch it grow. Those of us that joined him onstage and in the venues year after year...we will make sure the legend lives on.

My prayers and condolences go out to Daryl's family...although we all feel pain right now, noone feels the loss quite like them and I want them to know that we are all here for them, in our hearts and souls!

Long live the baddest rhythm and blues singer on the the stratosphere....

Long Live and Rest in Peace DDP!!!! I love you and miss you my Brother!!!!!!



Both east and west coast companies of the Trans Siberian Orchestra are on tour in North America at the moment. Go to this location to check out the complete schedule.

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