TRIUMPH Bassist Mike Levine - "Until We Go Out On The Road, I Don’t Think There Is A Need For A Studio LP"

May 12, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard lp triumph

TRIUMPH bassist Mike Levine spoke with recently about a number of topics recently including their new Greatest Hits: Remixed package. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

You have had a pretty illustrious career, what has been some of the highlights?

Levine: "Just making an LP when nobody has ever heard of you is a huge highlight. Then people liking it and buying it. Then your goals move down stream it’s a gold LP, then platinum. The highlight of my Triumph career was listening to our songs getting played on the radio for each LP. You than tell yourself how luck you are! It’s the ultimate thrill. Also playing the US Festival in 83."

Are there plans for a tour to promote the CD or a follow up studio CD?

Levine: "Touring is an issue for us right now, maybe in 2011 if it even happens. There are no touring plans for 2010. Until we go out on the road and re-establish our roots with our fans, I don’t think there is a need for a studio LP. Most fans in a concert environment just want to hear the songs that they love."

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