Update: UNLEASHED - More Hammer Battalion Details Revealed

April 3, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news unleashed

The Noise Cartel has issued the following UNLEASHED update:

Impostors beware - the battle call has been sounded! Sweden’s mighty Unleashed have forged the blood and spirit of their Viking ancestry into a modern weapon of death metal mastery, Hammer Batalion, which is set for a June 9th, 2008 release.

Hedlund and company have not only worn their Viking heritage on their sleeve for years, they’ve also proven to be one of history’s most important flag bearers for metal-heads around the globe.

At its heart, Hammer Battalion serves as a testament to these legions of proud fanatics, and delivers a commanding message loud and clear.

“Rebellion is rising,” notes Hedlund when discussing the album’s title track. “We will form a number of battalions all over the world with warriors who are not afraid to fight. We are tired of being sitting ducks for bullshit authorities who know nothing better than to oppress us for reasons they won’t explain. We will take command of our own lives and get to work. Either like the chameleon - smoothly changing colors to benefit our survival, or by the furious rage of a Viking warrior - whichever suits us best. To the common man, his various pathetic and hollow forms of music is a hobby. Our music is a way of life. Join your local Hammer Battalion or start one yourself!”

Recorded in Sweden and produced by the band’s guitarist, Fredrik Folkare, Hammer Battalion takes a battle-hardened axe to the misguided concepts of self-subjugation, transparent corruption and unneeded suffering in the name of religious figureheads and provides a perfect link between the ancient struggles of their Nordic forefathers and the ills of our modern society.

The blistering 'The Greatest Of All Lies' and 'Long Before Winter’s Call' take on old religious myths re-cast as pure fact, while 'Your Children Will Burn' serves as a warning of the consequences of blind faith.

“Whatever is done in the name of different religions is often done against Mother Nature,” notes vocalist/bassist Johnny Hedlund. “And she has the means of striking back.”

While the Hammer Battalion hordes are assembling around the globe, Unleashed are preparing their live assault on Europe and North America.

To Valhalla!

Check out photo gallery from the recording session at this location.

As previously reported, tracks to appear on Hammer Battalion include: 'The Greatest Of All Lies', 'Long Before Winter's Call', 'Your Children Will Burn', 'Hammer Battalion', 'This Day Belongs To Me', 'Marching Off To War', 'Entering The Hall Of The Slain', 'Black Horizon', 'Carved In Stone', 'Warriors Of Midgard', 'Midsummer Solstice', 'Home Of The Brave', 'I Want You Dead'.

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