Wacken FanMail – The First Heavy Metal Email Service

July 23, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news

In cooperation with the community of Wacken and the organizers of the Wacken Open Air, the German email service Mail.de is offering Wacken fan-email addresses. All the surpluses of the email service will be given to the community of Wacken and the Wacken Foundation.

Being reachable in Wacken all year long– this is now possible for Metalheads. At least in a virtual way. Fans can combine their desired name with the ending “@wacken.de”. The typical Wacken layout of the service will generate the right festival feeling.

Next to the distinctive and unique email address, there are many more benefits for the fans. “The online storage is 1 GB and it is possible to send emails with attachments up to 100MB. And of course, the Wacken Fanmail can be checked with mobile devices,” says Fabian Bock, manager of Mail.de

The community of Wacken provided the domain for the email service. “We really like that the fans can identify even more with our village Wacken and the festival,” the mayor of Wacken, Axel Kunkel stated. The organizers of the Wacken Open Air, Thomas Jensen and Holger Hübner, are happy about this opportunity as well: “This is another way for our community to identify themselves with the village. And at the same time they support heavy metal newcomers and their holy Wacken land.”

The surpluses of the email service will be divided between the community of Wacken and the Wacken Foundation. The community of Wacken will use these benefits for social purposes. The Wacken Foundation supports young hard rock and metal bands.

For more details visit Wacken FanMail at Wacken.com.

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