WARRANT - "Home Video" Of 'Tears In The City' Online

June 22, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard warrant

WARRANT bassist Jerry Dixon has filmed a "home movie" for the band's new Rockaholic track, 'Tears In The City'. Check it out on YouTube below:

BraveWords.com's Mitch Lafon caught up with with guitarist Erik Turner and original bassist Jerry Dixon recently to chat about their new album, Rockaholic.

When asked why is Warrant still around, Dixon responded: “The one thing that keeps most of us in check – is shedding the ego. Ego will ruin you and destroy you. It’ll destroy your band. It’ll destroy everything and what I mean by that is being willing to play in clubs again. Most people aren’t going to go from an arena to Pop’s in St.Louis. They’re going to be like, ‘no, thank you’, but we were willing to shed our egos and go play music the way we started out. We went back to the bottom of the food chain, but we kept playing. In those years where we weren’t so visible, we still played forty shows a year. They just weren’t highly publicized because they were in shit holes. So, the willingness to shed the ego and receive an offer for a club and go ‘ok, I want to play my bass. I want to play music’, so what we did by doing that is maintain… well, first of all it kept the lights on at home and it humbled us. If lightning strikes again, it’s going to be so rewarding.”

Read the entire interview here. Check out the Erik Turner chat here.

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