Westboro Baptist Church - “God Hates OZZY OSBOURNE"

January 21, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news ozzy osbourne

According to Lez Get Real the Westboro Baptist Church are going to protest outside the upcoming OZZY OSBOURNE concert in Kansas City, MO on Saturday night (January 22nd), and they say “God hates Ozzy Osbourne." In fact, they say: "He promotes all the filth and rebellion he can and has the gall to call the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ “evil” for warning this doomed world?"

WBC is lead by Fred Phelps who is 81, but has not been seen publicly lately. They used a ‘parody’ of his music to try and show how evil Ozzy is suppose to be. Ozzy then said back in October how ‘sickened and disgusted’ he was that WBC would use his music ‘to promote messages of hate and evil.’

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