What Tricks Do Casinos Use To Make You Spend More?

March 23, 2022, 2 years ago


What Tricks Do Casinos Use To Make You Spend More?

Casinos are famous for getting players to spend as much as they can and play for a much longer period of time. Some of the methods they use are so cunning that you might not even notice them, because some of them operate on a subconscious level. In order you can outsmart the casino next time, this article will show you how online casinos and land-based casinos compel you to gamble more and what tricks they utilize.

Free Casino Games

Casinos will often give you casino games for fun and for real money. It sounds like a great deal, but it's actually not such a good idea. The main goal with these free games is to get you hooked on them so that you will spend more money playing them. This is often done by making the game seem more exciting to play. 

These free games are usually slot machines, which means they have a higher chance of paying out and satisfying your curiosity. Once the casino gets you hooked on these games, they will start charging you for using them or make it more difficult to win on the machine without spending your money.

Free Casino Bonuses

One clever way casinos allegedly use to get you to gamble more is by offering you a bonus. This can be in the form of cash, discounted food, or tickets to shows. Casinos want you to think that they are being generous and that they really want you there. But don’t be fooled because they want you to come back with your winnings!

Casinos know that once people start winning and having a good time, it will be hard for them to walk away. They hope that if players gamble for a little bit, then they will play for hours on end and inevitably spend much more than the bonus. That’s why casinos offer free 
casino bonus codes for everyone as an incentive for guests to stay longer and take advantage of all their games.

Extra Charge

Another trick that online casinos use is changing machines or games when you're playing them too well. Casinos will change up the machines or games so that you'll be playing something new, which means you won't know what buttons to press. On top of this, most people get bored after playing one game for a long time so this tactic will try to stop people from going on winning streaks by giving them something new to play!

Subconscious Tricks 

Casinos often do some clever things to make you gamble more. For example, they might show an ad for a game that’s similar to the one you were playing. Or they might set up a game right next to the one you were playing, so when you turn around, you see it. These tricks are called “near-miss effects” and can lead players to believe their luck will change if they play just one more time. The casino is counting on that! They hope that by planting the near-miss effect in your mind, you’ll be even more likely to continue gambling.

Another trick casinos use is called the “endowment effect”. This means people are more likely to want something if it’s already theirs - in this case, if they already have chips or money in front of them at a table or machine. Casinos know this and will put an attractive item nearby. When players see it, they may feel like they have a good chance of winning, which may tempt them into pulling the lever or pressing the spin button again and again.


The casino industry is chock-full of tricks that are designed to make you spend more. With all these tricks, it can be hard to navigate through the industry and figure out where to start. That’s why we’ve created this guide to help you determine the right casino for your needs and know what to look out for when you get there!

The next time you go to a casino, be careful! Try not to get caught up in these clever tricks designed just for our entertainment - but remember: we do love them!

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