Messengers: The Guitars Of JAMES HETFIELD

February 13, 2024, 5 months ago

(Permuted Press)

Greg Prato

Rating: 10.0

review heavy metal riff notes james hetfield metallica

Messengers: The Guitars Of JAMES HETFIELD

Over the years, James Hetfield has been spotted playing a multitude of guitars – both on stage, in the studio, and in music videos. In fact, he's been spotted with so many axes that it's become darned near impossible to keep track of all of them over the years. But with the arrival of the new book, Messengers: The Guitars Of James Hetfield, we now have a definitive overview of the main man of Metallica's instruments.

Weighing in at a whopping 400+ pages (and hardcover, to boot!), all of Hetfield's guitars were snapped by renowned photographer Scott Williamson – with also some vintage shots of its owner plucking away. And when it comes to his main axes, Metallica's riff meister shares his memories.

As expected, we find out a whole lot about his best-known guitars – such as the 'Kill Bon Jovi' Jackson Flying V that he recorded Master of Puppets on, the 'Fuk 'Em Up' ESP Explorer used to record The Black Album, the ESP Horizon Double-Neck that bears the mark of an unfortunate incident in Metallica's history, etc. But also, it's the info concerning lesser-known or more mysterious guitars that will really be a treat for your eyeballs – his 1980 Electra V, the 1996 ESP MX-250 'Elk Skull,' the 2003 ESP MX-250 'Dirty Donny,' etc. Additionally, we find out which axes he gifted to producer Bob Rock and to Machine Head's Robb Flynn (and why).

Admittedly, the price tag may seem a bit high, but take it from a chap who has spent a substantial time studying it – Messengers: The Guitars Of James Hetfield is worth every penny.

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