AC/DC Concert Good For Regina Business

August 24, 2009, 15 years ago

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Joe Couture from is reporting:

The spin-off effects of the AC/DC concert for the local business community are worth between $10 million and $15 million, estimated the president and CEO of the Regina Regional Opportunities Commission (RROC).

"We haven't done an analysis, but for THE ROLLING STONES, the economic analysis before it occurred was $30 million for the two concerts for the community," said Larry Hiles. "So if you wanted to draw an analogy, there's about 40,000 tickets sold for this one. That pretty much puts it on par with one of the Rolling Stones concerts, so you're looking at about half. (The Stones) occurred over a weekend. (AC/DC is) on a Monday, so ... you could easily estimate it's going to be a $10 to $15 million economic impact."

Many people will visit the city for the concert, and will stay in hotels, eat and drink at restaurants, ride in taxi cabs and purchase items and retail shops.

"Virtually all of them will be spending more money than just the ticket that they bought," Hiles said. "The people who come in from outside are bigger consumers of those services than the local residents. (Concerts) are the types of things that generate the activity that the industry relies on."

Events like the AC/DC show are "important because they allow us to get the infrastructure that we need and that we desire for a high quality of life for the local residents," Hiles continued."If we didn't have these kinds of things, we wouldn't be able to have the kind of infrastructure that we've got now, let alone what we want to put in place for the future."

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