ACCEPT - New Kaaos TV Interview With Guitarist Wolf Hoffmann Online

June 21, 2011, 13 years ago

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ACCEPT guitarist Wolf Hoffmann spoke with Kaaos TV prior to their June 11th performance at the Sauna Open Air festival in Tampere, Finland Check it out below. Footage of the band playing their classic 'Metal Heart' is also available.

As previously reported, former Accept frontman/U.D.O leader Udo Dirkschneider spoke with Sleaze Roxx recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Sleaze Roxx: You reunited with Accept in 2005 and then again in 2008. You played some festivals and were very successful.

Udo Dirkschneider: "Yeah we reunited in 2005 for some festival appearances. I have to point out that there were no plans to do more than these appearances. We did not have plans to record or continue further. There were promoters that wanted us to do this. I was on a break from U.D.O. so at that time I said, "Okay why not?" It was a lot of fun, but as I said, we weren't going to do anything further. It was in 2009 that once again I was asked to take part in a reunion. Let me make this as short as possible - Wolf has been saying in interviews that he was not interested in a reunion, but this is not true. They asked me. I said to them, 'We have already done a reunion in the '90s and it did not work out.' My thought was this - if I do this reunion then I have to cut-down U.D.O., and U.D.O. has become quite successful. I said to Wolf, 'Okay, when this reunion doesn't work out I'll have to continue under the name Accept.' I wanted the rights to the name but Wolf didn't agree to those terms and I said to them, 'I wish you good luck."

Sleaze Roxx: So it would not have not been possible to do both U.D.O. and Accept?

Udo Dirkschneider: "For me I would rather not have two bands at the same time. I want to be able to concentrate on just one band. I have restarted U.D.O. twice at this point -- the band has been in existence this time for 14 to 15 years now. I've been together with some of these guys in this band longer than I have been with the guys in Accept (laughs)!"

Sleaze Roxx: Did your decision have to do with a struggle for control of the name, money or both?

Udo Dirkschneider: "Well money of course, but money isn't the most important thing in the world to me. I wanted assurance that I could continue under the name Accept if things didn't work out because I had the most to lose by putting U.D.O. aside. So when they wouldn't agree to this I said, "Thank you very much Wolf!" (laughs)"

Read the entire interview here.

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